Thursday, May 3, 2007

The Smiley Whore Chronicles: PC Kicks Jerry's ASS!

The Smiley Whore Chronicles: PC Kicks Jerry's ASS! user posted image

As user posted image stepped off the launch from Wyndamere he couldn't believe his identity had been discovered.user posted imageuser posted image

His plans had been user posted imageearlier in the day when user posted image and user posted image had outed him at the hospital in front of Port Charles' finest user posted imageuser posted image user posted image user posted image

For all the decisions and plans that had been user posted image over the course of the last 4 months, this was the first time he felt so user posted image.

He wasn't sure if staying in Port Charles was the smartest thing now because user posted image the cops user posted image would surely be after him user posted image. Of course this was nothing new to him considering he had been running from the user posted image user posted image for years. I guess a new face user posted image would be in order, after all this was his second. While that would solve the severity of his current situation he couldn't help but think of his brother user posted image and the problems he had unintentionally created for him and his new family. user posted image user posted image

He didn't know if user posted image could ever forgive him since he did technically try to user posted image his brother's now, new wife user posted image, friend user posted image, and destroy his user posted image , but he hoped he could in time because that's how things always worked between them user posted image. Knowing that he didn't need anyone but Jax, Jerry just walked on the pier trying to decide what his next move would be. As he came up on the docks he heard the familiar yet frantic voice of user posted image and as he turned to face her his user posted image instantly burned as it met the hand of an engraged red head. user posted image

"Jerry, how could you do this to me?", user posted image cried out hysterically.

Pulling her hand down from his face user posted image smiled and and said , "Lovely to see you Bobbie darling." user posted image

"How dare you engage me in this manner. Who the hell are you anyway?user posted image Have you forgotten that we were to be marrieduser posted image years ago? Is this what you ultimately left me for? To become this enraged user posted image who user posted image into Port Charles, years later, to hurt and destroy the people I care about user posted image. You are a twisted and sick individual user posted image and I have no idea how you came from the same user posted image as user posted image."

"Well, I can see you haven't changed a bit my dear user posted image. Still trying reconcile all the problems of this ungrateful town are you?" user posted image

"You know user posted image, I gave you the benefit of the doubt user posted image years ago. Even with the way things ended between us I still thought we had an underlying respect for one another. user posted image There is no logical user posted image for any of the things you have done and I'm unbelievably user posted image that you could threaten the life of my own user posted image. She didn't know who you are, but you know who she is, and there is no excuse for that. The Jerry I knew would never have done this. What happened to YOU?" user posted image

"Bobbie dear, the Jerry you knew doesn't exist anymore. So, user posted image and your emotions."

Feeling the anger boil up inside her user posted image, yet forming a slight grin on the outside user posted image, Bobbie reaches for Jerry's shoulders and as she rests her hands on them gently she says, "Jerry, dear, why don't you get over this!" and swiftly Bobbie lifts her right leg as she proceeds to user posted image Jerry in the groin. user posted image He instantly user posted image the ground and as she storms off Jerry lies there in excruciating pain. user posted image


Trying to collect himself from his encounter with Bobbie, Jerry decides it might be best to head to see user posted image and deal with him user posted image

As he begins to rise from the ground user posted image he hears footsteps coming from either side of him. user posted image Looking up he sees the Police Commissioner user posted image to his left and his old buddy user posted image on his right.

Figuring this could be user posted image he jokes, "Well my, my if it isn't part of Dr. user posted image rescue squad. The hot-headed tempermental boyfriend user posted image and her law abiding Uncle. user posted image Are you here to arrest me Commissioner?"

Mac takes a step forward towards Jerry user posted image and looks him straight in the eye, "I'm not the Police Commissioner right now. In this moment I'm an Uncle and everything else goes out the window." user posted image

Turning to user posted image, Jerry says, "What about you Patty? Here for round 2 are we?" user posted image

"Sure, why not. Your a worthless piece of user posted image and I would enjoy hurting you with my bare hands. user posted imageI guess you made a serious mis-calculation when you thought you'd come between user posted image. But, I wouldn't expect an unfeeling user posted image, such as yourself, to understand anything in the user posted image department. user posted image means everything to me you're going to pay for what you did."

Jerry then begins to move backward user posted image as the two men inch closer to him. As he tries to dodge Patrick, Mac reaches out for his arm and grabs him and shoves him up against the wall. user posted image "I'd love nothing more than to have user posted image user posted image kill you and that just tells you how angry I truly am. A police officer condoning mob violence. How twisted is that?" user posted image

Becoming increasingly impatient Patrick decides he just cannot take it anymore. user posted image Before Mac knows it Patrick has lunged for Jerry user posted image and now he has wrestled him to the ground. As Patrick continues to pound Jerry's face in user posted image Mac tries to pull him back, but Patrick won't have any of it. Jerry tries to slide out from underneath him, but he's unable to pry himself. With blood just streaming down his face, user posted image starts yelling threats at Patrick.

At Mac's suggestion Patrick finally backs off. "It's not worth it. Your a user posted image and you've got to protect your hands. user posted image That user posted image isn't going to get away with it. Don't worry. He's going back to user posted image for a long time."

As user posted image is free from Patrick's grasp, he manages to use the bench to pull himself up. "Well done Dr. Drake. user posted image I would have pegged you for a pathetic, weak, full of himself jerk but you've really done your Dr. Scorpio proud. user posted image The tiny doctor should be so lucky to have you defending her honor." user posted image

Just then a shot rings out. As all three men quickly turn they see user posted image hand a gun to user posted image as she is walking up.

The user posted image look on their faces say it all and Robin laughs and says, "Oh dear. Still pulling to the left. Hmmm better luck next time." user posted image

In a panic, Jerry bolts and user posted image chases after him.

Patrick walks over to user posted image and says, "Nice to see you adventure girl user posted image. You really are full of surprises aren't you?"

Reaching up and wrapping her arms around him user posted image Robin replies, "I'll do anything to protect you."


Looking as though he has given Jason the slip user posted image, user posted image looks around and finds that he is on the Quartermaine estate. Remembering this place from his earlier years in Port Charles he decides to take a stroll through their infamous garden. user posted image As he walks up to the fountain he hears what sounds like
whispers or mumblings.user posted image Ignoring the chants he continues to stroll around, but the sounds become increasingly loud.
Losing his temper Jerry pulls out his gun user posted image and waves it around shouting directives.

Suddenly he feels a tap on the shoulder but when he turns there is no one there. user posted image Now just irritated Jerry starts to walk away.

Just then he hears moaning from within the fountain ....."You killed me. You killed me. You killed me."user posted image and it repeats over and over again.

user posted image knows someone is playing games with him and he demands whomever is hiding show their face, and suddenly a bright light appearsuser posted image. user posted image covers his eyes user posted image to block the rays and then instantly it disappears and standing before him in black, is user posted image.

"Your dead!" Jerry screams user posted image

"Ha Ha that's what you think." as user posted image waves his hand Jerry goes flying into the bushes.

"Oh, no. Not another beating." cries out Jerry user posted image

"Oh yes Jerry,user posted image and this time by a ghost no less." user posted image

Jerry repeatedly tries to run from Alanuser posted image, but with no success. Alan continues waving his hand user posted image as Jerry flies through the air. user posted image

Eventually he lands on a rock user posted image and passes out. user posted image

As Alan stands above Jerry he says, "You took my life and now I pray someone user posted image takes yours. You took Oopsie Daisies user posted image away from me and for that alone I'll never forgive you." 4.gif


user posted image finally comes to and tries to shake off the ordeal. As his vision becomes clear he sees his brother standing before him. user posted image

"Jax, I was just coming to find you." Jerry says weakened. user posted image

"Really? That's interesting considering your current state. It looks to me like you were taking a bit of a user posted image now brother."

"No! Your friends, this town ... they have all been beating me up. user posted imageEven that litte user posted image, she shot at me!"

"Jerry, I think your dellusional. user posted image I think all the things you did to people have clouded your mind and caused you to inflict trauma onto yourself. Perhaps a nice stay at Shadybrook is in order." user posted image

"Jax! Are you crazy? user posted image I am perfectly sane and well aware of what has been going on. user posted imageThis town is full of idiots and they believe they are going to get one up on me! They can think again because NO ONE gets the best of Jerry Jacks." user posted image

Jax turns as he sees 3 men in white coats approaching the scene. user posted image They have restraints and a jacket in hand. "Gentlemen, this is my brother user posted image and as his only family I wish to have him committed. You see he is really losing his mind. user posted image He has brought physical and mental pain on others user posted image as well as himself and I fear for his life if he is not treated immediately."

As the men begin to grab and restrain Jerry he shouts and pleads with user posted image to call off the the psych techs. user posted image

As Jerry is carted off Jax looks towards his brother and says, "Well, look at it this way Jerry this will save you from continual ass beatings from the rest of the Port Charles citizens user posted image that are lined up to hurt you. At least you can say your little brother saved you. It was either this or a personal user posted image from yours truly."

"Please Jax, we can work this out! I'm sorry I tried to kill your wife user posted image . Help me. user posted image Save me."

"Oh, but trust me Jerry, user posted image I am helping you. May you rot in psycho hell!" user posted image

This Edition of the The Smiley Whore Chronicles was brought to you by: drhottie23 (Erin) and machereeves (Michelle)


babyj1977 May 4, 2007 at 8:49 AM  

that was awesome!!!!! can't wait for next one

lavawn May 4, 2007 at 6:16 PM  

Oh my goodness!!! ROTFLOL!!! That is priceless. Can't wait for the next one!

jenkat618 May 6, 2007 at 3:36 PM  

Hilarious, whores!! LOL

I love the daisy!*wink*

LMAO!! You ladies rock!!

Can't wait for the next edition!

Well done!

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