Wednesday, May 16, 2007

No 'NightShift' North of the Border

Canadian fans are disappointed that they won't get to see Robin & Patrick in Night Shift this summer.

Robin and Patrick fans were excited with the announcement of GH’s spin-off Nightshift and are eagerly anticipating its premiere this summer. For Canadian fans however, any promos or spoilers about NS are bittersweet and generate much disappointment. This is due to the fact that NS airs only on Soapnet which is not available outside of the U.S.

Since Nightshift has been announced, Scrubs fans north of the border have been doing what they can to bring this issue to light and to hopefully bring NS to Canada.

We have contacted our Canadian TV networks as well as Soapnet. CTV, which broadcasts GH in Canada, has said they are “researching the issue”. Soapnet has only stated that ‘unfortunately’ they do no broadcast internationally.

SOW has published a letter in their Public Opinion column and Carolyn at SOD has said she will be following up with Soapnet and will write about it in her column. We are pleased with these responses to our emails as it means our voice is being heard.

We have also sent emails to Cindi Rinehart (Soap Queen, Komotv4), Nelson Branco (writer of SUDS report, TV Guide) as well as posted comments on the Serial Drama blog and on the Soapzone NS message board. We have had replies from all of these so we know that our concerns are valid.

As well, TPTB at ABC have been contacted via snail mail, email and the GH comment line.

Another idea we have started to pursue is asking ABC to sell NS DVD’s. We think there would be a market for these to both Soapnet and non-Soapnet viewers. At least if DVDs were available, Canadian fans could show their support for Kimberly, Jason & GH by purchasing them. We have made this product suggestion to the store. We did get a reply via email sent to Brian Frons stating “we will look into it”. A hopeful sign?

I hope all Scrubs fans, not just those from Canada, will try to mention our concerns during their regular contact with TPTB. I hope Nighshift is a success for Jason and Kimberly’s sakes and that all fans will get to enjoy and support this new show – especially the ‘racier’ scenes! (Not to mention, Jason’s disappointment that family & friends back home won’t get to see him on NS!)

For contact info for TPTB see my pinned topic in the campaign forum on the SB.
Please leave a comment if you have any suggestions that may help us out!

Thanks for reading!
Donna (CdnGirl)


Linda May 18, 2007 at 3:06 PM  

Thanks for getting this campaign
started Donna. I know all the hard
work you have put into it, and I hope that it will pay off in the end and we will be able to view our gorgeous couple this summer.

Come on all you Canadian Scrubies
be persistant and keep writing and
calling your local affiliats.

Jo July 5, 2007 at 4:33 AM  

Yes Thanks Donna - I have been a loyal GH viewer for 30 yrs & if they are introducing this show to get more people into soaps again then they should have the courtesy to respond or at the very least could post the show after it airs on their website for us to download

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