1/9 Heard in the Waiting Room
- Kimberly McCullough will be on Stardish talk radio on Monday at 10pm ET
- Serial Drama is starting the Robin's Diary (from the Stone days) book club
- A SOW reader is hoping all of the familial scenes between the Scorpios means there is a Scorpio clan resurrection in the future
By clicking on ‘Read More’, you understand that you will be reading the latest Scrubs-related spoilers and speculations …some of which are pretty reliable and others may be designed to incite panic/false hope in a fanbase. Enter at your own risk!!
Special thanks to the Scrubbies relaying this information…here are the Spoilers and Speculations for the day:
Expected GH Scrubs airdates (breakdowns from Lisa)
week of 1/5 - M, T
Monday, January 5
Robin feels the stress of motherhood. Patrick tells Sonny he doesn't believe Michael's condition will ever change.
Tuesday, January 6
Robin suffers from mood swings. Robin isn't ready to be intimate with Patrick.
week of 1/12 - T, W, Th, F (spoiler pics)
Tuesday, January 13
Patrick is concerned for Robin, who refuses to entertain the idea that she might be suffering from post-partum depression. Robin thinks all her problems will be solved if she and Patrick move out of their small apartment and into a bigger house.
Wednesday, January 14
Robin and Patrick make an offer on a new house and plan to move immediately. Patrick is privately worried over Robin's mental state.
Thursday, January 15
Elizabeth offers to help Robin get settled at her and Patrick's new house. Robin makes a quick exit when Emma starts to cry and asks a baffled Elizabeth to look after the baby. Robin questions Jason on what it was like when Carly suffered from post-partum depression. Patrick makes an alarming discovery. A disaster is in the making at the hospital.
Friday, January 16
Patrick recalls the events before disaster struck.
week of 1/19 - F
Friday, January 23
Carly admits to Patrick she thinks Robin needs help.
ABC Hotsheet: Beginning January 15, General Hospital (the building, and the show!) erupts into full blown crisis -- on a scale on par with past stories like the Metro Court hostage crisis, the train wreck, and the Port Charles Hotel fire. The residents of Port Charles are going to figure out pretty fast that every minute counts, because it could be their last. And yeah, that means death.
PLUS: Robin's post-partum depression worsens -- even as she and Patrick look to buy a new house next door to Elizabeth
SOW:Can't Miss: Thurs, Jan 15 Patrick desperately tries to head off disaster at the hospital.
:: Pretty Reliable::
AIG none at the time of this post
TMI none at the time of this post
:: Could be Complete Fiction::
Daytime Dish/Backup Board (source and source):
It's just a plot point for Scrubs to be able to move into a house literally within 24 hours after Robin freaks out and says all of her problems are because they're living in the cramped apartment and they need to move. Liz knows of a house available. Scrubs take it. Liz being a friend helps Robin. While she's helping Robin move, Robin freaks out major, won't touch or go near Emma and runs off in fear, leaving Liz with Emma. Then Patrick comes home. Liz tells him what happens.
It's what's happening. It's all plot points. To get Scrubs into a house easily. To have Robin's PPD get worse, even with the move. For her to have a major freak out and not be able to go near Emma, for people other than Patrick to see that something is wrong and for Robin to realize something may be wrong. And her answer is of course to run to Jason for advice (because all women in PC run to Jason for advice for their women problems)
And does she think after that that she does have PPD? what do her and patrick talk about when she gets back home?
Nope, still pretty much in denial about having PPD. Patrick thinks she does have PPD. Robin thinks she really doesn't, it's exhaustion, left over hormones, pretty much everything but PPD. It's not something she can control so she doesn't want to face it.
If Guza doesn't get entirely too wrapped up in the biased Heroes v. everyone else in the cast is a loser during the crisis arc, the PPD arc should be decent. I don't want to say good because I don't think Guza's capable of good anymore.
Thanks. How does Patrick react to her denial?
Do you know where Robin is during the crisis? and what she is doing?
Thanks again for sharing.
He's upfront that he thinks it is PPD or some other hormonal imbalance and that she's not herself. She gets mad. They're at odds over it. Robin is at the gala for Michael. I'm not sure that she's actually doing anything as in like treating patients, at least not at the outset I don't know about the entire arc, sorry. Her PPD is supposed to get worse and her-- I guess what you could call--episodes become more frequent and noticeable to other people when the crisis hits.
There will be additions by subtractions in 2009.
So who is dying?
Who is leaving?
Who is in a coma?
Whose baby is dying?
Who is having a baby?
Who is sleeping together?
Who is the hero?
Who is the unexpected hero?
What hero fails?
Matt's rilvary with Patrick causes him to take a chance with Lulu's life; resulting in tragic consequences.
Robin makes a costly error
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