12/1 Heard in the Waiting Room
- Today is World AIDS day, so I encourage you to do things to show your support, I've provided just a few examples to the right. If you're in the NYC area, consider attending POZ's Bacharach to the Future tonight, they've accumulated a huge group of talent performing!
- Former soap writer Tom Casiello talks about the C-story myth - the myth that these storylines can survive on meaningless plot points, fluffy storylines to balance out the dark emotions of the A storyline, with the occasional moment of emotional connection. Perhaps the better idea is to incorporate them into the canvas better.
- Port Charles Chuckles reviews the Scrubs-centric Thanksgiving episode
Special thanks to the Scrubbies relaying this information…here are the Spoilers and Speculations for the day:
Expected GH Scrubs airdates (breakdowns from Lisa)
week of 12/01 - W, Th, F (spoiler pics)
December 3 - An exhausted Robin has her hands full trying to calm Emma. Although exhausted himself, Patrick still pulls off a brilliant surgery but Epiphany sends him home when it becomes clear he needs sleep. Emma immediately stops crying when Patrick returns, much to Robin's frustration.
December 4 - Patrick and Matt take excellent care of Emma while Robin tries to return to work at the hospital. Kelly diagnoses Robin as having Post Partum Depression.
December 5- Patrick tries to comfort Elizabeth, who blames herself for everything that's happened.
Soapzone spoilers:
Robin’s expectations as a first-time mother don’t quite meet reality. She struggles to take care of her baby, who doesn’t seem able to be calmed—until daddy comes in.
The very fact that Patrick can soothe their crying baby upsets and unnerves Robin. She begins to fear that baby Emma hates her and is out for her. Worst of all, she suspects she makes a lousy mother.
Epiphany encourages Patrick to take a break at home and rest, after he completes a lengthy, difficult operation.
Patrick arrives home to a screaming baby and an unsettled wife. But he need only pick up and cradle the baby for her to quiet down. Robin’s heart sinks.
Robin enlists Patrick and Matt to watch baby Emma, while she heads back to the hospital to do her thing as a doctor.
At her wit’s end with sleep-deprivation and hormones, Robin seeks answers from ob-gyn Kelly.
Kelly provides Robin with a name for her problem: it’s post-partum depression.
:: Pretty Reliable::
TMI: none at the time of this post
AIG: none at the time of this post
:: Could be Complete Fiction::
Daytime Dish (source and source):
Any dates for Scrubs?
T W Th.
TH is when Robert shows up. T and W are them talking about the new wedding to Maxie and then Mac. Also she doesn't make up the PPD excuse. Kelly diagnosis her with that.
As was confirmed by Agnes Nixon, paycuts have hit ABCD to the tune of 40 to 50 percent. It's not only AMC, it is the entire ABCD lineup including OLTL and GH.
Unlike CBS who does not own their shows, the soaps on ABC are owned by ABC so cost cutting and profits being down for Disney coupled with reduced advertising dollars on both primetime and daytime television, have all impacted the network,
I'm confused. I thought the December wedding was the big splashy soap wedding? I haven't been here in awhile so maybe i missed something
That was the original plan but along the way there were shifts in resources and now Kate's party is the big cast wide splashy event. Robin/Patrick's wedding is definitely changed from what it was supposed to be.
CU ~
Any truth to the drop about Crimson party getting the $$$ that was supposed to be for Scrubs wedding?
what? was this a drop?
An anon, brace yourself, on SD dropped this. What is your take? TIA.
Well........it would be a very strange turn of events
As was confirmed by Agnes Nixon, paycuts have hit ABCD to the tune of 40 to 50 percent. It's not only AMC, it is the entire ABCD lineup including OLTL and GH.
Unlike CBS who does not own their shows, the soaps on ABC are owned by ABC so cost cutting and profits being down for Disney coupled with reduced advertising dollars on both primetime and daytime television, have all impacted the network,
Percentages are a bit high. But, the information is generally correct. Numerous contracts will be "renegotiated" in the near future.
Would they think about letting actors go who are on contract who they don't use that often?
There are a series of ongoing budget/finance meetings among execs, producers and others.
But, in a nutshell, finances/revenues are an issue for ABC, Soapnet, GH and DTG. The discussions include any number of "cuts" to address declining revenues and increasing costs.
I have to scoot.
Current contracts and contracts being negotiated and contracts up for negotiation are being considered for "adjustments."
Last one for tonight, I hope you all had a good holiday.
PI stated that scrubs got married in new york at a cathedral..i don't think they are legit.. but i did enjoy their creativity..

I am not legit? I am going to take for a second here and say it was not I who uttered the words Scrubs + NYC = Cathedral wedding.
But you did say that Scrubs moved into their house on Thanksgiving.

Christmas Montage:

What if -- Robert talks about the first time he saw Robin after saying Emma is beautiful?
What if -- he expresses regrets for not being there every day to watch her grow up?
What if -- Maxie hears a certain guy is looking for what his brother found?
What if -- Patrick discover he has a professional rival?
I dread Patrick consoling Liz. I hate that the show is placing him in her line of fire. I saw how she and Jason hooked up. I loathe it.
the scene is very short
Liz leaves Patrick with Cameron to trash the studio
TY, what prompts Patrick to go over to Liz home?
because Liz is a friend
I know but what prompts him? Does Liz spaz out at work, not show up? what? thanks
its a case of Patrick, as a new dad, realizing that he'd go completely crazy if Emma disappeared, and having compassion on Liz because of it. Its more about showing how Patrick has changed from wild and wooly playboy into father of the year, that it is actually about Elizabeth.
NYE has not been filmed yet, but going by what is happening in the episode, I believe the montage will feature the following people together:
Robin/Mac/Patrick/Maxie/Matt/Emma - at the Scorpio house.
Jax/Morgan/Carly - at the MC
Nik/Nadine - at the MC
Ric/Claudia - at the MC
Jason - PH
Sam - at her house
Liz/Cameron/Jake - at her house with Lucky showing up during the montage
Sonny/Kate/Olivia - at the MC
I don't like the pairing of Patrick and Elizabeth either..and the Thanksgiving dream scenes were totally unnecessary and out of place and context..Instead of Robin/Patrick being thankful for their love, life and baby Emma's birth and being HIV-Negative...you gave us crazy,stupid dream scenes. I think the fans would like to see more of Robin, Patrick and baby Emma and how they work at the hospital and now their new life as a new family...and how it's changed their life...
It's called "GENERAL HOSPITAL", but TPTB seem much more interested in showing the MOB; and why are we so interested in Carly and her screwed up life...Never takes care of her children, always has her nose in everyone else' business but her own..had a great husband but is always messing up, with Sonny and whoever she can get to notice her..yesterday was the worst. so screwed up, she's trying to ruin Kate...her jealousy and hate of, everyone, and her always trying to start trouble...makes her a boring pain in the butt... TPTB are concerned about GH going under but when fans tell them what they want....guza says with a grin on his face (in so many words) I'll do as I damn please and you will like it...sorry, that isn't how it works mister....we all have off buttons on our TV and we WILL use them...you take our favorite couple and see what we do!!!
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