Monday, June 16, 2008

6/16 Heard in the Waiting Room

  • Kimberly McCullough and Jason Thompson are registered for AIDS Walk LA, be sure to check whether your company matches your donation, as it may double what you donate.

By clicking on ‘Read More’, you understand that you will be reading the latest Scrubs-related spoilers and speculations …some of which are pretty reliable and others may be designed to incite panic/false hope in a fanbase. Enter at your own risk!!

Special thanks to the Scrubbies relaying this information…here are the Spoilers and Speculations for the day:

Expected GH Scrubs airdates (breakdowns from Lisa)
week of 6/16 - M, W, Th, F
onday, June 16
Patrick won't let Robin out of sight. Mac makes his feelings clear and doesn't think Patrick is responsible enough to care for Robin. Robin assures Patrick she doesn't share Mac's views. Patrick and Robin are surprised when Epiphany arrives and announces that Mac hired her to be Robin's nurse.
Wednesday, June 18
Patrick and Robin trick Epiphany into going back to the hospital in order to spend time alone together but they're soon interrupted by a knock on the door.
Thursday, June 19
Patrick stands up to Mac, who makes a surprising move of his own.
Friday, June 20
Robin enlists Maxie's help in getting Mac to ease up on Patrick. Patrick wants Robin to move in with him after the baby is born.
week of 6/23 - M, T, W
Monday, June 23
Robin balks at the idea of moving in with Patrick.
Tuesday, June 24
Patrick gets a taste of what the future holds for him.
Wednesday, June 25
Robin lets Patrick know exactly how she feels.

none at the time of this post

:: Pretty Reliable::
carly and patrick?
can I laugh or would that be mean?
It is quiet here tonight. Anything on Scrubs?
Proposal, living together, anything of substance?

I haven't heard anything different from what I was hearing months ago. things just may be slower going then everyone expected but i haven't heard of any changes from what I first heard
IS JT leaving?

you would have to ask Jason Thompson that question
Have you heard if this lawyer arch for Scrubs ends up with them in court?
And do they end up living together?

2 words. Wacky hijinks. It's not serious at all
Does this wacky hijinx with Scrubs leads them to living together?
I don't know for sure. I've heard yes and I've heard no
Me too. I don't think TPTB see Patrick & Carly on the same level.
I'll give you two guesses who he ranks higher but if you need both guesses you prolly need your head examined
Have you heard any spoilers about NS2 you can share?

vague and unconfirmed pieces of info
Do u think they are deliberately keeping things under wrap? And when will the promos start?
it's a possibility for sure.
as for your second question, that would prolly be a better question for cu.
AIG:none at the time of this post
Chat Up:
[regarding changes at GH]
Just wanted to add that I have heard similar rumors for a while now and I think I have alluded to them here. It's difficult to get confirmation but the rumors persist
I just really hope that if Guza is gone Garin Wolfe doesn't take over, cause I would have to kiss any screentime for Scrubs good-bye, cause he wrote nothing for them during the strike.
If Guza goes, I expect that the new HW will be from outside GH, not an internal promotion
Sorry...coming in a little up, are you saying there are rumors someone else, other then JD, has been terminated? Any hints on male or female?
The rumor I keep hearing is in regards to someone backstage being shuffled/let go/moved on but as I said I can't get confirmation from it
chat up i hate to ask this cause i'm normally pretty laid back, . can you give any hope for my scrubs and that they are not going to do cartrick round 2.
they aren't based on what I've been told.

:: Could be Complete Crap Fiction::
Daytime Dish:
Robin deserves to have a wedding, I'm just concerned SKate will get the big wedding and Scrubs will get them at the hospital chapel with my luck Epiphany and Cassius as observers.
i dont think they are getting married at all.

They actually do get married.
Like I said last night, they get married but don't have abig wedding. Skate has a big wedding but doesn't get married.
It all happens around the same time and you kind of have to wonder why?
Do you know why?
Why they get married or don't?
They get married Patrick finally admits he wants his child and Robin realizes he means it.
Is there a timeline for this?
Its not filmed yet but the scripts are finished so probably the 3rd or 4th week of July, I think.

Robin is not sure moving in with Patrick is a good idea after the baby is born.
Patrick gets a sneak peek at fatherhood when Robin has Liz drop off Jake.

Robin and Patrick can have it all. Do they have the guts?
Maybe Noah needs a woman.
If you can see where these lead you will see the end of summer and the fall.
Call me puzzles. And to prove I know of what I speak.If anyone else uses this to fake spoilers I will tell you now besides insertions and deletions nothing else will change.
Do you have anything to expand on the Scrubs one for us, perhaps?? Please?

Thank you!
Scrubs fans will be shown that they just need to get out of their own way. I have been lurking here for a while. Scrubs fans are always given a negative spin and interpretation of what is on screen. You were told that Patrick would only be about the baby this week when in truth Friday he was only about Robin. Scrubs are in love. TPTB are keeping them from having the convo they need to. It will happen but they are going to make you wait. (source of the above)

Patrick and Robin will be completly broke up by September 15th.
They will be Co parents and have co legal guardian of thier baby but will no longer be a couple.
Patrick and Carly will begin to date by October 1st.
Long Term Insider

OK, how about if I throw a monkey wrench into this whole argument about scoops, and legit insiders and tell you the latest rumor.
Here is is: There has been a change at the top at GH. The decision was made a couple of weeks ago but they've kept it quiet because of the emmys. Both the show(Jill) and the writing is up for an emmy and if word got out before the voting was done that one or the other was gone then it might influence judges to vote for another show.
That's interesting.....I thought the voting was pretty much already done since there was no Blue Ribbon panel this year...
I think it is now but I don't think it was completed when the termination supposedly occurred. And what I was told was the decision was made to hold off until after the emmys. I have no idea if its true or not, but it is being rumored right now. Along with the fact that there may already be a new writer, or new co-headwriter working on the Maxie Matt stuff.

Hello everyone,
I Usually drop stuff off for Alexis and Scrub fans, I just wanted to point out that JC did tape something special so expect to see him in the opening when he starts airing
Thank you. I remember you. Have you heard anything more on Alexis or J-Lex? :)
I know she will be sharing scenes with Robin soon, and Anna .

Oh it's not OK but watch what she says. I'm sure it will be a direct threat to him otherwise Patrick wouldn't take the action he takes. It's going to be like the bet. Robin 100% in the wrong. A harsh b--ch who brought it all on herself.
Humerous? Hell F--king no.

It isn't as direct threat. She tells him exactly what the spoiler said she tells him. She doesn't want him to be involved because she thinks he will leave her and the baby. She never utters the words he can't be involved or says she is going to a lawyer.
Then he goes to a lawyer and it is wacky hijinks from there on out.
Now with that said it is a good guess that by the end of this little arc Robin will be painted as the wrong one (in a humorous fashion) even though she never directly threatens him. Guza does not change. (source of the above)

isn't he just finding out what his rights are. he's not trying to take the baby from Robin.
He talks about filing papers but it is for joint custody,

You people are making too much of the after. You are emphasizing the wrong thing. He says he wants her to move in so that after that baby is born they are family. He isn't saying wait until after the baby is born to move in. He wants her to move in now and start getting ready for the baby.
Now the spoilers are changing? Because that's not how it was spoiled in the mags, breakdowns or even on here originally.
Not changing. Just not worded the best. The closet/nursery starts this whole conversation. He says he has more space and she should move in with him so they can get the nursery ready for the baby.
I keep reading that it is misunderstandings. I don't see what there is to misunderstand though. Patrick wants joint custody. What does Robin misunderstand?
You people really need ever freaking details spelled out. She misunderstands what he is going for.
He's going to talk to a lawyer and talks about filing for joint, what is there to misunderstand about that? Pretty damn clear to me.
Stop being so freaking literal. It is all for wacky hijinks. Patrick goes to a lawyer. Robin does as well in response. The lawyers are set in their ways and have a history of battling it out. The clients are ticked and not talking to each other. Things get exaggerated. See? Wacky, wacky fun.


I also know some about Patrick and Carly and what happens with Robin. I don't know every single detail only broad outlines and those outlines do not include answers to every single question but I will try.
The Insider
When it comes to Carly/Patrcik/Robin
Jax and Carly divorce through a combination of a lot of things, her lies and he keeps leaving and does not stick around.
Patrick and Robin do not get married but do get engaged for a brief period of time but they call off the engagement as they know its not working out. it is over control, Robin does not want to give up control over thier child and no matter what Patrick says he is always wrong and finally they admit they are done. They do not have a custody battle but share custody of the baby.
Patrick and Robin will be kinda done by August 1st and completly done as a couple by September 1st.
Patrick and Carly start dating its very casual and no word if it will go long term for them or not. Could be a rebound thing or not.
Guza likes the idea of Carly with Patrick and fights between Robin and Carly not just over Patrick but over territory.
Lots of future potential is how Guza see's it and he thinks the fans of Robin and Carly fighting over Patrick and down the road over Carly being around the baby will be interesting and keep ratings up.
Patrick and Carly do date and its partly because Guza does not see Robin as a long term viable romantic lead. The only reason Robin is Pregnaunt pointblank is to provide a use for potential storylines.
If Guza has Patrick and Carly dating and Robin has a baby. He thinks that will be great. He can have fun scenes of Robin getting sick and Carly watching the baby for Patrick and Robin finding out. See lots of scenereos.
Guza does not care about Robin as a charecter.
That is harsh and brutal and the unvarnished truth but it is true.
I have no state in which couples get together.
My question is do posters want the real truth or the wrap up the spoilers in neat packages and handed out to them with a smile and a pat? Cause that aint Guzas style.
So do I lay it out straight or what?
The Insider

Scrubs will be together throughout NSII. That ends in October. GH and NSII will sync up. Guza hasn't written anything for October yet. You all do the math.
Again you all can believe what you want but right now Patrick/Robin will be together throughout NS and given what happened last time I doubt that is likely to change.
People having spoilers for October 1st must be reading Guza's future mind because it isn't written yet.


stephanie June 16, 2008 at 2:07 PM  

i hope the storyline of carl/patrick/robin are not true because i would just be miserable through the whole thing. it was already bad enough they put leyla now carly.

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