Thursday, March 19, 2009

3/19 Heard in the Waiting Room

  • ESPN magazine has more behind the scenes interaction between Jason Thompson and Jeff Burton
  • NBC news has a little blurb on the this weekend's Rock The Soap cruise 
  • Sound and Fury thinks the see-saw from dark mob/light-hearted Scrubs storylines to playful mob/dark Scrubs storylines is catastrophic and does not work 
  • Despair in the Afternoon thinks that Emma will be 18 when Robin finally gets help with PPD
  • Deep Soap's Sara Bibel talks about pilot season, and that "Jason Thompson’s character is daytime’s answer to McDreamy. With his confidence, charisma, and sex appeal, he’d be a natural for the new series from Grey’s Anatomy creator Shonda Rhimes, “Inside The Box”.'  "
  • Vote for Robin and Patrick to make it in the next round of We Love Soaps March Madness Tournament: Soap Couples.
By clicking on ‘Read More’, you understand that you will be reading the latest Scrubs-related spoilers and speculations …some of which are pretty reliable and others may be designed to incite panic/false hope in a fanbase. Enter at your own risk!!

Special thanks to the Scrubbies relaying this information…here are the Spoilers and Speculations for the day:

Expected GH Scrubs airdates (breakdowns from Lisa)
week of 3/16 - M, W, Th, F (spoiler pic)
Monday, March 16 - Patrick asks Elizabeth to track down Robin and explain that he can’t make their dinner date due to a hospital emergency. Meanwhile, Robin ends up at an out of town bar and re-invents herself, claiming she’s single with no children. Elizabeth later tells Patrick that Robin never went to the restaurant as planned.
Wednesday, March 18 - Patrick is hurt and furious when he learns Robin contacted Mac and not him. Meanwhile, Robin makes friends with a charming carpenter named Brad at the bar. Robin panics when Brad asks her out on a date. Patrick drowns his sorrows at Jake’s and embarrasses himself in front of NASCAR driver Jeff Burton.
Thursday, March 19 - Robin appears as though she might be ready to go home but then impulsively returns to the bar and asks Brad if his offer to go out still stands. Mac blames Patrick for Robin’s running away. Patrick and Maxie try to convince Mac that Robin is suffering from post-partum depression.
Friday, March 20 - Patrick and Maxie force Mac to accept the truth about Robin. After getting the police report, Mac tells Patrick where to find Robin. Robin makes a bold move after going to the movies with Brad.
week of 3/23 - M, T, W, F (spoiler pics)
Monday, March 23 - In Rochester, Robin enjoys spending time with Brad but pulls back when things start to heat up. Patrick arrives at Robin’s motel to confront her and mistakenly thinks he’s witnessed Robin and Brad sharing a kiss on the lips
Tuesday, March 24 - Patrick confides in Elizabeth, mistakenly saying he’s certain Robin slept with someone else. A distraught Robin finally returns home and tells Patrick the whole story with the exception of her spending time with Brad. Robin admits she’s suffering from post-partum depression.
Wednesday, March 25 - Robin tries to make things better with Patrick by telling him she’s invited Lainey over but Patrick correctly assumes Robin hasn’t told Lainey the real nature of the visit. Robin begins to open up to Lainey but quickly beats a hasty retreat. Robin breaks down in Jason’s arms when he encounters her on the docks.
Thursday, March 26 - Patrick and Robin seem to be getting back on track with Robin wanting to get the help she needs and Patrick pledging his undying support. Robin, however, is aghast to learn Patrick confided in Carly about what she’s going through.
Friday, March 27 - Robin vents to Jason while Patrick shares his concerns with Sonny. Patrick implies to Robin that he knows she’s keeping something from him.
week of 3/29 - W, F
Wednesday, April 1 - Robin makes a painful confession during therapy.
Friday, April 3 - Robin’s condition takes a life threatening turn.

SOW (SZ recap)
When he finds her in Rochester, "he finds her kissing another guy, basically saying 'Goodnight, thanks for a wonderful evening.'"
SOW implies he jumps to conclusions and JT says "well they are definitely making out, and from what he sees she is definitely crossing the line."
He goes to Liz to tell her.
Robin comes home, tells him the whole story, minus Brad.
Patrick doubts her sincerity in really believing she has PPD.
He also knows she's leaving out kissing Brad and gives her a few opportunities to tell him, by saying things like isn't there anything else you want to tell me. So he also knows she's lying.
She invites Lainey over, but shuts down and once again takes off and leaves Patrick with Emma.
She's gone maybe a day or so. She doesn't go anywhere drastic, maybe the docks to talk to that Jason character.
She's just going through the motions, trying to appease everyone else. It's one of those situations where he can't force her to get help, she has to want it for herself.
Then he tells her about telling Carly.
Patrick has the closer look article "Carly is the one person I know who has it and still love her children" he says(not exact qoute)

:: Pretty Reliable::
AIG none at the time of this post

:: Could be Complete Fiction::
Daytime Dish/Backup Board (source and source):
Do you have any info on Liz? Will she be getting any kind of a story?
She seems destined to be filler for a bit. They are toying with ideas but nothing concrete for her and no, she is not moving on to Patrick.

Robin seeks Brad out and asks if he still wants a date with her.
Mac blames Patrick for Robin running off.
Patrick asks Maxie to talk to Mac about PPD.

Robin confesses she doesn't want to be a mother
from fond of canadiens

Bad news and a little good news for Scrub fans.
"It" tapes next week and "it" goes pretty far.
But "it" does not happen in Scrub's home. "It" happens in one of the OR rooms at the new GH during a blackout. And "it" doesnt go all the way as they are interrupted by Jason, Sam and Robin.
Sorry guys. I still think Scrubs will somehow make it through this.


Anonymous,  March 19, 2009 at 7:51 AM  

Does "IT" means that Patrick and Liz are going to make out. If that's it. GUZA you are a PIECE of SH...... You are having Patrick stoop that low, because he thinks Robin made out with Brad.

This is disgusting, if it's true. This Show (GH) deserves to go OFF THE AIR.

He can sleep with his wife friend, but not get help for his wife. You writers have his Behavior Passive, and him going thru the Motion. Get the MAN some Balls, so that he can get the woman some help.

Once again GUZA, you have all the women of the show SLUTS and all they want to do is to make out with other people Husband.

I so DISLIKE THIS WRITING and THIS STORY (SOAP) all together. I DON"t have enough words or time to let you writers know exactly how I feel.

Anonymous,  March 19, 2009 at 10:11 AM  

The show is just to hurtful to watch. When are they going to make it better.We the fans are losing interest in what the writers are doing. The ratings are just going to get worse .You will be losing alot of viewers,so fix this mess you call writing.

diamond20 March 19, 2009 at 12:48 PM  

I will be totally sick if "It" occurs because all it will show me is that Patrick hasn't changed and I will lose respect for Liz and will never look at them in the same way. It seems like Patrick is weak and not the same man who claims to love Robin. She needs his support and if he don't flat out tell her what he sees, he's leaving it open for her to lie.

This is the same sick feeling I had when they put Leyla between them, during NS1 and it was total hell for Patrick and Leyla's character. They redeemed Pat's character, but Leyla's never recovered, soon to be killed off. Fans of Scrubs were outraged and very rude to the woman who portrayed Leyla. Will this be the same case for RH and JT back to being garbage? If they want Patrick to sleep with someone because he thought he saw something, why not a total stranger and not a close friend, it will break friendships and trust forever, and just another secret untold. I think Guza should go before GH gets any worse.

Anonymous,  March 19, 2009 at 1:11 PM  

Makes perfect sense to me. The writers love sleaze, so making the characters low is pleasing to them. Maybe first time viewers enjoyed that, but the modern fans prefer to be enlightened and entertained, not ridiculed and depressed.

Amy March 19, 2009 at 1:17 PM  

I'm very skeptical of the speculation of anything happening between Patrick and an interloper, because there's absolutely no excuse for him. His wife is obviously sick. In fact, I'm reluctant to believe anything beyond the Scrubs board spoilers.

However, on the off-chance it's a "feeler" from a certain writer to gauge reaction about Patrick cheating, here's a "feeler" right back... the days this site gives the show free buzz/publicity will be over. The show will cease to entertain me because cheating spouses aren't a story I enjoy.

Just sayin'...

Anonymous,  March 19, 2009 at 1:28 PM  

Is this scoop in the daytime confidential today under comments from Regan for real?Robin with a little alcohol in her system will crash her car with baby Emma inside .She also does not want to take medication to help her PPD.Are the writer and GH this cruel and insensitive to write this horrible storyline about a young child.It is horrific and heartless if the writer plan to go this route.I cannot even imagine how they can justify this to all viewers if they still have a few left.I think they are really desperate to get the show shut down.I must say the show cheaply produced piece of crap has spiralled downwards.

Anonymous,  March 19, 2009 at 2:19 PM  

I can only hope that the powers that be at GH actually read these posts. Having a man cheat on his wife who he proclaims he loves beyond reason when he KNOWS she is ill and not her self is just WRONG! I don't care if it is a random chick but if it is Liz that is a million times worse.
The writers had a chance to tell a story with some relevence but couldn't do that.
Their actions show they really don't care about the viewer and you know what without the viewer they DON'T HAVE A JOB!!
It hurts too much to watch this stuff when you can't even hope for happy in the end.

Anonymous,  March 19, 2009 at 2:45 PM  

i don t thank patrick is go for liz robin and patrick are going to be ok we need a love scene with robin and patrick really bad

Anonymous,  March 19, 2009 at 4:13 PM  

Today's plot line was more ludicrous that Tuesday. Robin buys "new" clothes to date Brad!! Give me a break. Robin wouldn't do this. And, Patrick and Mac and Maxi would be moving heaven and earth to find a SICK Robin.

For that matter...where is Jason? He visited her in the hospital the day she may have died....send Jason to the rescue.

Just end this horrific PPD storyline.

Anonymous,  March 19, 2009 at 4:21 PM  

I have thought the same thing. GUZA just want listen to fans that has been around for a very very long time. The SCRUBS need a Love scene. Liz needs to be a friend only, nothing more GUZA.

Like one person posted, the SCRUBs, especially Patrick has confessed his Dying Love to Robin and for Robin and you are going to make his STOOP that low and have a thing with LIZ. How Disgustin can you get. Let Patrick help Robin and be their for her, not the other way around. Next, you are going to have EMMA in a car with Robin, and they are in an accident.


Don't be a Moran when it comes to what the Fans want and thinks. The last time I checked, we are the ones keeping all SOAPS on the air, especially this one with RATING HITTING AN ALL TIME LOW, AND PROBABLY STILL FALLING.


Anonymous,  March 19, 2009 at 5:16 PM  

I think the writer and GH was planning to reunite LL2 but pull back because of the backlash of another couple's fanbase.They did not have a storyline for RH so now they are using her to create trouble for the Scrubs.Writer wants to copy the sleazy storyline they have right now with Nik and Lucky fighting for Rebecca .It will be two bestfriend fighting for one man.If they want Patrick to sleep with someone to get back with his wife why not just have a one night stand for Patrick and hire a one day actress .The writer will create a huge backlash against RH from the fanbase .Is it worth it to pursue a sleazy storyline ? The writer wants to see haw far he can push the fanbase.I guess anything that the writer can recycle even if it is a degrading story as long as he has his regular paycheque is good enough for him.Who cares about the ratings right? Here's one for the writer cheating spouses does not get my respect and time no matter if this is in soap opera or in real life.You lost me including all my friends that use to watch this show!

Anonymous,  March 19, 2009 at 6:18 PM  

GUZA you have lost me also. I will not watch a Soap where they make one of the most looked at couple go thru what you have done. I don't care if it is a Soap. I like the SCURBs to much to see that happen, especially when you put both of their so-call friend in the middle.

Guza you don't deserve my time and you surely don't deserve a pay check. Frons if you don't do something soon to MAKE IT RIGHT FOR THE SCRUBS AND THEIR FANS, YOU DON'T DESERVE MY TIME AND A PAYCHECK EITHER. I WON'T BE BURNING MY ELECTRICITY TO WATCH TRASH OUT OF THE SCRUBS, especially Robin and what you are trying to put Patrick back into. Good bye, so long.

Anonymous,  March 19, 2009 at 6:29 PM  

This sweep has gone on for about 5 or 6 months. It is time for Guza to end it and make the SCRUBs a happy couple we have all known and love. All couples whether they on Soap or real have fights and deserve some happiness.

Where is it with the Scrubs? They are only reason I am watching and hanging in their with this soap (GH)


Anonymous,  March 19, 2009 at 8:30 PM  

A mother who defied the odds and got pregnant with, she wants nothing to do with Emma crying....I have an issue with her not being as diligent a doctor as she could be for herself. And, don't tell me she can't see it....she has always been the right - she has to know she feels different.

don't know how you are going to redeem her....Robin is bordering on not redeemable. Carley was a better mother - for Michael.

Sad - when you compare them - and Robin was a better mom to Michael that to her Emma.

Anonymous,  March 19, 2009 at 8:32 PM  

It has not been a happy baby, family story. It has been very sad.

I feel sorry for Emma - at least she has Liz, Mazi, Mac, Spinelli, and Johnny and Lulu - maybe they should all just move into the house and help out.

Robin is forcing Emma to have no mother (just like she did) before Anna claimed her as her child.

Anonymous,  March 20, 2009 at 7:01 AM  

That is why the Soap and the Sweep with the Scrubs is so disgusting. Robin wanted Emma more than life itself. And the writers have made her to be almost an unfit mother. I myself wonder how GUZA/FROns is going to redeem Robin. I can't bear to watch it. It is sad that the Writers has done this.

They have Robin a worst Mother than Carly. That is why I have not been watching very much and is on the borderline of completely dropping GH, No DVR

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