Tuesday, February 3, 2009

2/3 Heard in the Waiting Room

By clicking on ‘Read More’, you understand that you will be reading the latest Scrubs-related spoilers and speculations …some of which are pretty reliable and others may be designed to incite panic/false hope in a fanbase. Enter at your own risk!!

Special thanks to the Scrubbies relaying this information…here are the Spoilers and Speculations for the day:

Expected GH Scrubs airdates (breakdowns from Lisa)
week of 2/2 - M, T W, Th (spoiler pics)
Monday, Feb 2 – Someone wearing a hazmat suit steals one of the spheres of poison from the operating room. Jason realizes that one of the spheres is missing. Everyone remains unaware that gas is still leaking in the operating room. Matt blames himself for what happened but Patrick assures him it wasn't his fault. Leyla's condition grows more serious.
Tuesday, Feb 3 – Patrick is deeply saddened when the catastrophe at the hospital claims another victim. Robin forces herself to touch a crying Emma and is horrified to discover she's burning up with a fever. Despite the storm outside, Robin decides to take Emma to the hospital and carefully starts driving through the snow. Patrick panics when he listens to Robin's message and learns she's on her way to the hospital with Emma.
Wednesday, Feb 4 – Tracy collapses after going off on Patrick. Robin's minivan breaks down while taking Emma to the hospital. Fearing she and Emma will freeze to death if they don't do anything, Robin decides to leave the van with the baby in the hope of finding help.
Thursday, Feb 5 – Johnny and Maxie find Robin in the snow but there is no sign of Emma
week of 2/9 - M, T W, Th, F
Monday, Feb 9th - Patrick and the others begin evacuating the patients from the hospital. Robin asks Maxie and Johnny to take Emma to Mercy for treatment while she pitches in at the hospital. At Mercy, Johnny invokes the Zacchara name to get a doctor to check out Emma. Maxie and Johnny learn that Emma is suffering from pneumonia.
Tuesday, Feb 10th - Robin manages to help Epiphany evacuate the babies but breaks down in tears over the fact she can't tend to her own daughter.
Wednesday, Feb 11th - Maxie and Johnny learn that Emma's condition is critical and a decision about her treatment needs to be made sooner rather than later. Johnny goes to General Hospital to get Robin.
Thursday, Feb 12th - Patrick takes charge on the rooftop overseeing the evacuation process. Maxie is greatly relieved when Johnny brings Robin to Emma. Robin cradles Emma, who takes a turn for the better.
Friday, Feb 13th - Rayner wants to question Patrick.

Clues about the GH Biotoxin Crisis:
*Speculated timeline using SB spoilers, CGS, SOW, SOD spoilers of the "flashback" episodes (Soapdish/BuB)
*Accumulation of facts surrounding the hospital crisis, includes Winnifred's
compiled telephone conversations (Scrubs board)
*Patrick interrogation clips merged part 1, 2 (Skippy from BuB)

Episode: "The Hospital Fire Spreads Following the"
The hospital fire spreads following the explosion, sending everyone into chaos
Episode: "The Blizzard Makes a Rooftop Evacuation"
The blizzard prevents helicopters from rescuing evacuees
Episode: "Robin is Reunited with Emma"
Patrick oversees evacuations as Jason searches for Anthony; Robin is reunited with Emma.

Soap Scoop - week of 2/2
credit thisyearslove89

:: Pretty Reliable::
AIG none at the time of this post
TMI none at the time of this post

:: Could be Complete Fiction::
Daytime Dish/Backup Board (source and source):
Feb 3
The death toll at the hospital continues to rise
Feb 4
Robin and Emma are in dire straights
Feb 5
Johnny and Maxie find Robin, but there is no sign of Emma
Feb 6
A new catastrophe hits the hospital
Maxie is alarmed by Robin's behavior

Ever started to say something and then thought twice about it?
I was about to say I think Liz will be moving soon.
But maybe not.
Scrubs get an 'interesting' new neighbor later on in the spring.
I think she is moving into LIz's house, but it might just be another house in the neighborhood.
I'm not sure.
You are giving me palpatations.
Is the "interesting" new neighbor problematic for Scrubs?
Any do you know anything about Robin bonding with Michael?

I knew I should have gone with a genderless pronoun for the new neighbor.
Yes, she will cause problems for Scrubs.
Although not in a romantic, or sexual, way.
Robin and Patrick treat Michael
And when he recovers he does bond with Robin.
Any hope Scrubs get a least some hot good sex in between all the angst?

They have a love scene coming up.
I don't know how hot it will be.

Are Scrubs still platinum??
Depends on your definition.
I think a couple is platinum if they have heavy airtime, storyline and no romantic 3rd party angst.
Scrubs are platinum by that definition.

Matt is on the verge of losing his thriving career
Patrick goes to bat for Matt but doesn't get the results he hoped for.

Next on General Hospital:
Patrick loses another patient due to the hospital catastrophe.
Robin finally finds the courage to touch her baby and realizes that she has a high fever.
Patrick gets a voicemail from Robin saying that she's bringing Emma into the ER.

Fan support tidbits
Scrubs are supreme once again.
Jason Thompson has recieved lots of positive mail
Robin fans are worried what the PPD story is doing to their girl

Evening SD,
Wait until you all see the ratings at the end of the week. The dailies that have been released to ABC have really surprised many here, especially BF. BF was convinced his vision of what GH should be and his putup or shutup ultimatum to BG last Sept and the affects thereof, have been a disappointment to a man who felt he understood what the daytime audience was looking for (or to clarify, what he felt they could be trained to watch). Numerous calls and complaints about the featuring of "pets" of management to the detriment of the show is raising eyebrows to say the least. Naughty, naughty viewers, you aren't supposed to complain, especially not to higher ups at ABCD, and especially not to the mags about the not so secret dealings happening at ABC Daytime. The eyebrow raising, headshaking antics of BF should remain a not so secret industry joke.
BF is going to get what he wants and his "stars" are going to continue to get the airtime he's promised. The only thing that will affect his decisions will be ratings across the board at ABC Daytime, boycott's by certain fanbases are only going to result in reprisals happening not just behind the scenes but on your screens as well.

Ratings aren't out yet
Almost all soaps lost viewers the previous week
No major decisions are expected about anything until after sweeps
AS doesn't care about Liason fan rantings either
That is all


Robin finally connects with Emma
Patrick falls ill

ABCD receives dailies on the ratings - they are already aware of what last week brought in.


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